How to send an invitation from an email campaign

With Parcy, you can send out email campaigns to each individual attendee you desire.

On the event dashboard page, click your event and choose “Email Campaigns” on the left-hand side of your page. Click “Campaigns” and the “Associate Sender Identity” pop-up appears.

In order to send email campaigns for your events, you have to associate a Sender Identity. Click the “Associate Sender Identity” green icon button, where you will see a pop-up appear to choose an identity. If you do not have a preference, you can send email campaigns using Parcy’s identity. If you want your email campaigns to be set up under your domain, check out this article to learn how to do it.

After choosing an identity, click “Associate Sender”, where you will then see a page with the button, “Create new campaign”.

When you click, “Create new campaign”, a pop-up form appears asking you to fill out some information about your email campaign. Once you complete your form, click “Create Email Campaign” to connect with your template.

Send an email campaign to a specific list

‍While creating your email campaign, Parcy gives you the option to "select a list segment". This is a very important feature for those who want to only send their email campaign based upon their attendee's status.

Once completed, the page redirects you to show you the email campaign you just created.

Click on the email campaign title you chose to look at your campaign information. Here you will see all of the stages your campaign is at. Once you are ready, click “Send Campaign” to start the process of sending out your email campaign to your attendee list.

Here you begin the steps of scheduling your campaign. Once you double-check your subject line, click “Next”.

Once you see the rocket ship with the question “Ready to go?”, it is time to make sure you are ready to send your campaign. Tip: Always double-check everything to make sure you are sending the right template to the right attendee list. Click “Send Campaign” when ready.

You have now completed your email campaign! It is time to watch your reports become available as your attendees begin to open and participate in your emails. Happy email inviting. 😌

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